Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like the end goal is:

 - to have junction names in korea, regardless of if they are traffic lights, 
and the symbol used there doesn't imply traffic lights, just a junction.

- In Japan, the old junction system evolved to be named traffic signals, and 
the symbol used there a  (horizontal) "signal" - so the end goal is to have the 
name and the signal icon shown over the intersection with it's name. 

so the "complex solution" is to map the the junction, (with different tags for 
Japan and Korea)  with the area's way sharing nodes with the traffic signals.

- in Japan's case, the complex solution must only render a single traffic icon, 
or it will ruin the purpose of using the intersection icon.

I'm not sure about Korea, but because there is no such thing as "street 
addresses" in Japan - just lot numbers in (sometimes random) sequence across 
the section, the sections are somewhat in a grid (regardless of what street is 
adjacent to the property, or what street it gets accessed from), all maps are 
used in a relative fashion (Start at Matsu Station, go two lights down, turn 
left at the temple, and turn right at intersection named "Honcho 3"), not in an 
absolute way (here's the 300 block of Main street, and my goal is 322 Main St, 
so it will be right about here). named intersections may be named in sequence, 
(Honcho 1, Honcho 2, Honcho 3 in order) but this is not really reflected in the 
location address.  Any ad for a business or shop has a tiny map printed on it 
to show you the way to the shop, and most neighborhoods have residential maps 
on fences to show you where people live, to use if you were visiting some 
location before the days of Google Maps. in the past, adverts always used the 
common starting point of a train station, showing you how many actual signals, 
any named signals, temples, gas stations, or schools that were the way to your 
destination.  This relative mapping has added Motorway Junctions and Primary 
Road junctions as starting points as time has gone on.  The gist of what I'm 
trying to say is that accurately rendering a single signal icon is paramount 
for using a rendered map in Japan, because counting the number of signals 
between you and your destination is a commonly used and commonly advertised 
method of navigation when not using a GPS/NAVI. The western way of using street 
addresses and road signs displaying names of roads means finding your way 
without landmarks is easy, and it is what OSM is built around, but it is not 
the way people use maps here in Japan. Since Residential, Unclassified, and 
Tertiary roads are not named in Japan, the iconography and labeling of things 
besides the roads themselves is much more important.  


On Sep 17, 2014, at 3:53 AM, Lukas Sommer <> wrote:

> how do you tag a named junction with a traffic signal ?
> highway=traffic_signal + junction=yes + name=* means that "name" is
> for the junction or for the traffic signals ?
> For the junction!
> For a named junction with a (not named) traffic signal: junction=yes + 
> highway=traffic_signals. (Quite common on Korea – on the ground, not in the 
> database.)
> For a named traffic signal with a (not named) junction: simply 
> highway=traffic_signals.
> And can we imagine a
> case where the junction and the traffic signals are both named (and
> possibly differently) ?
> Good point. That would be difficult… Currently I do not know of such a case. 
> Further thoughts about this?
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