Some random thoughts about names for the area tags:

junction=yes on nodes
For areas:
– something that contains “junction” and “area”
– junction=area ?

highway=traffic_signals on nodes
For areas:
– something that contains “traffic signal system” (also “system”!) and also
– maybe not traffic_signals=* which seems to have either another meaning
– highway=traffic_signal_system_area (quite long)?

Lukas Sommer

2014-09-19 18:27 GMT+00:00 Lukas Sommer <>:

> Again, I do not see the point in introducing here a new tag. Using the
>> existing junction=yes in Korea and the existing highway=traffic_signals in
>> Japan – just not only on nodes but extending it also also on closed ways
>> (=areas) – should be fine.
> Okay, here I have to correct myself. It may be useful to have a different
> tag for the area instead of using the same on the node, especially for
> editor software and checking software, but also other software.
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