On Sep 19, 2014, at 5:59 AM, Lukas Sommer <sommer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> * Here, I still do not see your point. What would you gain in doing so? You 
> have more tags, which means more work. But can you do anything that you can 
> not do with the current, yet existing tagging?

Differentiated tagging is needed for differentiated rendering.  "junction" vs 
"Signal". a single signal icon needs to be rendered in Japan for intersections. 

> * highway=junction is impossible because the OSM database does not allow two 
> tags with the same key on the same element
> * junction=traffic_signals would also be problematic because in Japan you can 
> have named traffic signals on straight road, for pedestrian crossing
> , and there is not any road junction.

is there a way to tell the renderer to not render it's icon if it is part of 
another area's way? that would allow the intersection tag to take over for the 
rendering of the signals for it's single icon.  

if that's the case:

landmark=intersection  ?
Intersection=signals for Japan, intersection=junction for korea, or other named 

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