If Matthijs wishes to distinguish between boundaries at sea (a good idea, I believe) then a *unique* tag should be added to those ways. Duplicating data is not the way to indicate differences.

How about boundary:administration=maritime (or something similar)?

I've never understood why the highest admin_level value is required to be placed on the way at all, when it's clearly calculable from the relations. Data shouldn't be duplicated purely for the convenience of renderers (or is it just one renderer?). I would support removing them.

Having read the links provided by Christoph, I find it very disappointing there are some who still believe the time spent by mappers adding data is somehow subservient to the time of those coding. It's another case of the tail waging the dog.


On 10/03/2018 08:14, Colin Smale wrote:


This goes against the principle of tagging the relation, not the members. An admin area is syntactically analogous to a multipolygon and it would be a shame to introduce yet another polygon tagging paradigm.

What are you thinking for other types of boundaries? boundary=political, boundary=national_park come to mind. Will they be treated differently to boundary=administrative?

What do you intend exactly when you say "maritime boundaries"? That part of a (national) boundary which crosses water? Or some other definition?


On 2018-03-10 01:51, Matthijs Melissen wrote:

Hi all,

OpenStreetMap Carto, the default stylesheet on openstreetmap.org, is
considering to change the mechanism for rendering admin boundaries.
The proposed rendering of admin borders will be based on admin
boundary ways rather than polygons. This has a number of advantages -
for example, it will make it possible to style maritime boundaries

The admin boundary ways are already in the database. However, in some
cases they are missing an admin_level tag. When the proposed style
change will be deployed, boundary=administrative ways without
admin_level tag will no longer be rendered. I would therefore suggest
to make sure admin_level tags are present on all
boundary=administrative ways.

A map showing admin boundary ways without admin_level tag (displayed
in gray) can be found here:
As can be seen, most countries already do have admin_level on ways.
However, in for example Poland, Iran and Australia, this data seems to
be missing.

-- Matthijs

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