On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 10:52 AM Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com> wrote:
> The real problem is that if unclassified is more important than
> residential, what to do with roads that do not merit unclassified but do
> not have primarily residential landuse?

That's why I think classification should be done by primary
function/purpose, not by a fuzzy (and controversial) concept like
importance. "Importance" begs the unanswered questions: important for
what? for whom?

> Finally, I'd suggest in the US treating unclassified and residential as
> exactly the same in importance, because we have no real notion of
> unclassified roads like the UK.

Do you have any locally-defined highway system that approximately
matches the idea of "a system of highways that generally connects

In Brazil this would generally correspond to municipal roads leading
to the rural areas of municipalities. Some municipal roads, though,
lead to larger settlements within the municipality but isolated from
the main city core, foreign mappers would expect those to be
highway=tertiary and occasionally even highway=secondary, depending on
the type/size of the settlement. These higher classes would often
correspond to a municipally-defined class of highways that are
intended to support more intense/heavy traffic. Often the road will
start paved in the urban settlement (typically branching out of a
tertiary or a secondary highway) and become unpaved for most of its
length outside. So even though there is not a single unifying national
definition/terminology/signage, OSM's highway classes can be matched
to municipal definitions. I've seen edit wars vanish in every place
this idea was applied.

Fernando Trebien

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