Hej. Jag hjälper gärna till så mycket jag kan. Jag har inte pysslat med HOT förut, men har karterat en hel del i Sverige och även importerat en del från NVDB och Terrängkartan. Jag har ett litet script som plockar NVDB för ett område och taggar om till OSM-kompatibelt format för enklare import i JOSM.

Mvh Christian (ChristianA)

Den 2018-07-23 kl. 15:22, skrev Christoffer Holmstedt:

2018-07-23 14:45 GMT+02:00 Blake Girardot <bgirar...@gmail.com <mailto:bgirar...@gmail.com>>:

    Thank you all for your replies.

    The firefighters are from Poland and in Poland they use OSM
    exclusively for their work.

    They do not know where they will be assigned yet so hopefully
    later today.

    They said they generally are interested in roads, forestry roads,
    waterways and water bodies (lakes, ponds, etc)

    So that is what they would like you to map.

    Any help finding hi resolution, recent imagery (government aerial
    imagery sources are usually best), or feedback on the existing OSM
    layers, which are best, most recent, etc is usually the very first

    I am guessing they will be assinged to one of the 9 areas on this map:


    Whoops, now that I look they updated it in the last hour and now it is
    12 areas. But I guess they will be at one of those areas.

    That map also gives you a very high level overview of the region

    HOT mapping is just like regular OSM mapping, but we usually specify
    what is being requested, in this case, roads, forest roads, water.

    And the the Tasking Manager grids the area so people do not conflict
    with each other.

    I would suggest we use a private HOT Tasking Manager Project because
    the osm-se Tasking Manager seems to have a configuration problem at
    the moment (error on attempted login)
    http://tasks2.openstreetmap.se/ <http://tasks2.openstreetmap.se/>

    HOT's main priority in a case like this is to not damage the existing
    OSM mapping. We often work where there is no data (rural Africa for
    example) so we do not have that worry. In Sweden, you have an active,
    expert, group of mappers who already have a very good OSM map, we need
    to make sure we do not accidentally cause any issues for your

    More information as I receive it......


    On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 2:21 PM, Johnny Blästa
    <johnny.bla...@gmail.com <mailto:johnny.bla...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > I am a Swedish mapper with experience mapping in the areas
    surrounding the
    > fires and are willing to help with mapping.
    > /Johnny
    > Den mån 23 juli 2018 kl 13:34 skrev Björn Stenberg
    <bj...@haxx.se <mailto:bj...@haxx.se>>:
    >> I am a quite experienced Swedish mapper with some HOT mapping
    >> but I have never organised HOT work. I would definitely help
    with a HOT
    >> mapping effort.
    >> --
    >> Björn
    >> On 23 July 2018 12:53:16 pm Blake Girardot <bgirar...@gmail.com
    <mailto:bgirar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    >> > Greetings,
    >> >
    >> > HOT received a request to improve the mapping around wild
    fires to
    >> > support fire fighters in Sweden.
    >> >
    >> > Is there a local, active person, who would like to take
    >> > to organize remote mapping projects to support that request?
    >> >
    >> > Or maybe folks who would contribute if I set up some project
    for local
    >> > mappers only to work on?
    >> >
    >> > Please let me know.
    >> >
    >> > Respectfully,
    >> > blake
    >> >
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-- ----------------------------------------------------
    Blake Girardot
    OSM Wiki - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Bgirardot
    HOTOSM Member - https://hotosm.org/users/blake_girardot
    skype: jblakegirardot

    Talk-se mailing list
    Talk-se@openstreetmap.org <mailto:Talk-se@openstreetmap.org>

I'm interested in helping out when the HOT tasking manager project is setup. I'm unable to coordinate a HOT project right now. If anyone is close to the fires there might be some possibilities to get better quality maps from the local firefighters/Swedish Armed Forces (SAF). In the news (SVT) yesterday it looked like SAF had drones up and running for imagery.

Best regards
Christoffer Holmstedt

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