I'll keep all of this in mind, with the faith I'll find someone who does as well. I'm not saying that I'll post copies of this message as a sort of disclaimer/terms of service agreement before dating, I'm just saying that this message restored my faith in people and showed me that there can still be relationships beyond the pet names and other superficial fluff. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Reeves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" <talk2@AndreLouis.COM>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

That was the most amazing thing I have ever read. You rock. Lots of great advise here.
On Sep 20, 2007, at 12:55 PM, Mary Ann Topolewski wrote:

This is a very funny story, just by how it is written and I got a good
chuckle out of it. But ya know? Maybe I'm weird but there are things I
really hate about what I see that goes on in relationships. Uh- oh... *Mary
Ann gets on her soapbox for a minute and hopes she doesn't scare  people

I have a problem with pet names. Nicknames that were born of a fun event or because of an inside joke are one thing. Especially when they are not used
all the time. But to me, the minute pet names are introduced into any
relationship and you start replacing the person's real name with those, it's done. Eventually you stop viewing your partner as the hot and sexy person they are. There is nothing more powerful, I think, than hearing the person that you love, saying your name. And no, peoples, I don't just mean in bed!

Something else I see that causes me concern is when a woman begins to boss
her man around. How many men want to have sex with their mother?  Well, a
few, I'm sure. But for the most part, the normal men are not turned on by such things. This mothering happens when the woman does too much for him or
when she is bossy.

It would be interesting to poll men to ask them what makes them cheat. My feeling is that we would find that men are tempted to cheat if the following
criteria are met.
She nags instead of asks
She dominates by being bossy rather than respectfully asking for what she
needs or wants.
She is disrespectful to her man by using condescending remarks such  as,
"shut up," "You don't know anything," "I don't care what you want." Or worse
remarks such as, "Stop touching me!" I don't like that!" Don't kiss me
there!" "Eww, you're gross!" Even if said in fun, I think that if you ask a
man, he might say that somewhere inside; a little piece of his ego was
chipped away each time she does this.
Stifling him in the relationship when he feels that his woman doesn't "let," him do things. Should a woman have the right to let, or not let a person do things? A relationship is supposed to be about trust. Therefore, if a man wants to go out with the guys to a bar, to a strip club, or just drink a few
beers at home, this ultimately would not pose an issue. It's all about
moderation, I think. The minute a woman starts saying thinks like, "I don't want you doing this, this, that, or that," chances are, whether he admits it
or not, he's a very stifled and potentially restricted and unhappy  man.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

It would also be interesting to poll women to ask them what makes them
cheat. I have the feeling that it would be because of the following reasons.
She can't be herself around him.
He doesn't listen and tells her she shouldn't be upset.
He doesn't tell her how precious she is to him.
He does not make enough time for her.
He does not help her with domestic things, or her internal struggles.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

Women need to know that they are free to be themselves. The big no-no
phrases to hear are, "You shouldn't be upset," or "don't worry about it." Women want to talk and to be heard. Our way of thinking things through is by talking. Men, have you ever wondered why a woman will start a conversation
with one opinion and by the time she's done, she will have a  completely
different point of view? This is because she was able to refine her thoughts
just by your listening to her and not providing a solution.

To come out the hero, men can reassure her and recognize that a woman gets insecure. When she seems angry, this translates to her actually being hurt.
Women, need, reassurance. It's as simple as that. When she is  upset, she
doesn't talk to you because she doesn't trust you. You can reassure her that
whenever she is ready to talk, you will be there to just sit and  listen
while she talks it through. When a woman cries, it is her way of expression. Let her ball until she can't ball no more! Hugs are good during these times,
even if it is about you. When she's done, she'll be free of her  burden.

I also get the feeling that often, women don't know how to handle men when they are upset. Men often think things through by silently working through
it on their own until the time they are ready to talk.

Women are the heroines when they leave a man alone until he is  ready to
share his feelings. When a man retreats, let him. Tell him that you notice
something is wrong and you'll wait patiently for him to come to you  when
he's ready to talk. You understand that he just needs some space right now
and it's okay.

For the women, I say the following.
It has been said that a man would be happy to give a woman anything  she
wanted if he only knew what it was. I learned in my life that it is better
to begin a sentence, with, "I want more of this or that," instead  of, "I
don't want you to do this, this, or that." Nobody is a mind reader and the minute people begin to assume that their partner loves them because they,
"should just know what I want," things begin to break.

So men, if you love someone, reassure her when she's delicate, comfort her
when she worries, and make her laugh when she is upset. Tell her  how you
feel about her often. Even just one sentence now and then. Never assume she
knows how special she is to you, even if you think you show her.  Keep in
mind the little things such as romantic gestures and the sweet things that you did in the beginning. These never get old and if they stop, she thinks
she is less of a woman.

Women, if you love someone, always ask for what you need instead of assuming that if he loved you, he should know. never assume that he just knows that he is appreciated. Always say thank you and tell him, now and then, that you appreciate him for the things that he does. Tell him that he is adequate and you don't want perfection; you want, him. Assure him that you see him as a man. respect him for his thoughts and beliefs, and for his quirkiness, and again, the appreciation thing. Sex where he gets to have his way with you is
also one way of showing him he's a man, quite nicely. Heheheh.

And speaking of sex? Woohoo! Men, did you know that a woman thinks the sex is good because of the level of emotional intimacy and when you make sure that if she wants to climax, you make sure that happens. I read somewhere that men are ready to achieve this in five minutes whereas often, women need
more touching and holding and teasing. About 25-minutes worth.

Women, did you know that what makes sex good for a man is when he feels he can turn you on? If he thinks he can't, especially if he's right, oops, this is bad. Talk about it. Tell each other what you need. Set aside time outside
of the bedroom to do this. Just talk! It's fun!

As a final note to both. Be aware of what it feels like when you've  lost
respect for your partner. If that happens, it is time to do some  serious
evaluation. Talk about the things you need and figure out if there is
anything you can do to give each other what you need. Don't just look at the symptoms; look at the underlying problem that is causing those symptoms. And if in your heart you know it isn't gonna work, don't just hang on for the sake of hanging on. Each of us has a right to be with someone that uplifts
us and makes us feel that we are complete. Sometimes, if it's over,  it's
just over. The only thing to do is grieve, to move forward, learn all you
can, and embrace the next love that comes along.

Why did I write all this? I am watching people struggling in relationships all around me and it really sucks! Including one of my own. I've done a lot
of talking and counseling of friends who struggle with  relationships, as
well as doing lots of reading on the subject of communication between
partners and the ways in which men and women are different. Maybe something
I've said here can help people somehow. I donno...

So after I wrote all this, you might ask, "Well You say these things, but why did yours break up?" Mine broke up because his suitcases were too heavy and I could not lift them, nor could I roll them on their wheels. What do ya do when that happens? Uh, well? You accept it and decide what is best for
you, for him, and for the both of you as a couple, or as friends.

Ah well... *sigh*

The Mary Ann who crawls sheepishly down from the soapbox and somberly makes
her exit.

 -----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Onj
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:11 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE

Once again I thank my grandmother who is always full of surprises.
This is a church-going lady and her reading and enjoying stuff like this is
highly amusing.

Message follows:

 A couple had only been married for two weeks and the husband,  although
very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his
old buddies.

 So, he said to his new wife, "Honey, I'll be right back."

 "Where are you going, Coochy Coo?" asked the wife.

"I'm going to the bar, Pretty Face," he answered. I'm going to have a beer

 The wife said, "You want a beer, my love?" She opened the door to the
refrigerator and showed him 25 different kinds of beer, brands from 12
different countries: Germany , Holland , Japan , India , etc.

The husband didn't know what to do, and the only thing that he could think
of saying was,

"Yes, Lollipop... but at the bar... You know... they have frozen glasses..

He didn't get to finish the sentence, because the wife interrupted him by saying, "You want a frozen glass, Puppy Face?" She took a huge beer mug out
of the freezer, so frozen that she was getting chills just holding it.

The husband, looking a bit pale, said, "Yes, Tootsie Roll, but at the bar they have those hors d'oeuvres that are really delicious... I won't be long.
I'll be right back. I promise. OK?"

"You want hors d'oeuvres, Poochie Pooh?" She opened the oven and took out
5 dishes of different hors d'oeuvres: chicken wings, pigs in blankets,
mushroom caps, and little quiches.

"But my sweet honey... at the bar. You know there's swearing, dirty words
and all that..."

 "You want dirty words, Cutie Pie? LISTEN UP CHICKEN SHIT! SIT YOUR  ASS

 and....they lived happily ever after. Isn't that a sweet story?

     MR  Andre P. Louis

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