Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her out of my life and hide in a cave and spend my entire day on the computer, but I would like to not feel like a slime bucket when I do. I want to find someone who will be interested in some of the same stuff as me, and wouldn't mind sharing these hobbies with me. I'm willing to participate in her hobbies too but it never seems to work that way. Every woman I've ever dated has always tried to take away everything I hold dear, and replace it with stuff she wants me to participate in. I'm a geek, I like who I am, stop trying to make me someone I'm not! Watch Star Trek with me and don't belittle it. Listen to books with me, and comment on the parts that you liked and disliked. Help to broaden my horizons and expose me to new ideas that I've never thought of. Talk to me on an intellectual level, I'm not an idiot. Be a part of my circle of friends, or at least let me hang out with them on a regular basis. These are the things I'm looking for in a relationship, and your e-mail helped me understand the way women think a bit better. Maybe if I had said some of these things to the people I've dated, things may have changed for the better. Perhaps if I were more open with people, they would understand me a little better.

Thanks Mary Ann,

Onj wrote:
Very rarely, I get something that is so enspiring that I have to think about it. I'm keeping this. It was just right somehow. It must have taken you a long time to write it, and it's times like this I wonder what people think of this list I started back in 2004. It has it's uses though. I think that you've proved it today. I can't be nearly as eloquent at saying this as you, but you really did a good job. And you made me really hungry.
So with that, I shall depart.

On Thursday, September 20, 2007 6:55 PM,
Mary Ann Topolewski happened to mention in passing loads of really interesting stuff so read the original message and not this reply because it's better. byeeeeeeeeeeee!

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