Hi Tom: Man you have been doing this almost as long as I have you old grey 
There have been various postings from the staff off and on on the scripting 
list indicating what languages they were working with.
Also, the types of software they use and the implementation indicates a non 
managed code environment as their development platform.
Their third party com API interface is not created in managed code so was not 
developed under managed code.
Just allot of indicators point twoard the development environment including 
some actual talk on the Scripting list about how WindowEyes was originally 
coded many years ago.
I think, not sure, they used Small Talk at one time but don’t hold me to it 
since it has been many years since I recall something along these lines.
Also the old timers were working in c++ but it was obviously outside a managed 
code environment.
Add these and allot of other things including recommended, and I think used by 
them, text editers up and you can get a pretty good idea of their development 
environment in general and it doesn’t point to Visual Studio as any primary 
development platform.
To me it doesn’t matter what platform a developer works in but I do always 
recommend using the right tool for the job whenever possible.
C++ is a fine, well broken in programming language with exceptional low-level 
But with these come the responsibilities of doing allot of things that can be 
dangerous if not done very well and allot of design and programming overhead of 
things better done in other languages if the project is to be run under Windows 
and more so if not developed under a managed code environment.
The .net framework is one powerful set of rapid development features that are 
designed to run together under windows to give the best performance and most 
solid and robust user experience.
It has millions and millions of users, has been tweaked over decades to be 
pretty much rock solid, flexible and avoid things that programmers might miss 
when coding outside the .net environment and even is implementing parallelism 
and sync methods.
The only other platform that I think you might find as solid would be the Apple 
Platform but I have never developed against it so not sure but it too has tens 
or hundreds of millions of developers having provided input into its 
development like the Microsoft .net platform.
I liked the IBM languages when I worked mainframes but these days they use 
allot of software that is only somewhat accessible with a screen reader while 
the Microsoft Platform is very, very accessible.
I am no longer a Programmer nor a Database Admin but just a individual who uses 
the computer to get things done in my real life and, since they don’t exist or 
are not accessible, I develop my own projects using high-level languages like 
vb.net or the Visual Studio Web Platform and the sql server tools under their 
.net platform for fast and rock solid finished products developed in a fraction 
of the time it would take me to do it in any of the non .net framework, low 
level languages.
The software I develop under the .net framework just flat out works and is 
totally accessible and I have been running my .net programs for over 10 years 
now with very few tweaks other than feature enhancements including various 
databases and even websites and web services encorporated into the mix.  
This is the right tool for the job I do and I would think a good consideration 
for other projects that would be run against the Windows operating system.
With the advent of Visual Studio 2015 I understand that you can create projects 
for other platforms, non windows based, as well as cell phones of various 
configurations but that is outside my wheelhouse but it sure sounds like there 
are some tools there to enhance the development of large scale projects, 
including scrum project management tools, by a smaller staff.
I too have worked in many low-level languages, started back in the late 1970s 
and am leaving all the low-level stuff to the young bucks these days in favor 
of high-level languages to create my personal Investment Platform and other 
tools I find handy.
It is good to hear from another developer who dates back to the punched card 
era, or close to it - smile.
There arent many of us around on the lists I am on.
Later and take care Tom:
Rick USA

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