On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's a building that is a closed way, but only just.  How can I offer to
> help that mapper do what they are trying to do better?  All the changeset
> comment says is "#MissingMaps #hotosm-project-1254 Lubumbashi, Congo (DRC)
> #100mapathons #OSMGeoWeek " - to me the only useful information in there is
> "Lubumbashi, Congo (DRC)", which I already know since that is exactly where
> this edit is.

That's why I suggested to put more of a description in the comment.

What I mean is that, compared to most of the changesets out there, this is
pretty good but that things can always be better and there is room for
improvement without changing too much the way this works now.

> More importantly, how do I contact the person who told this new mapper
> that "#MissingMaps #hotosm-project-1254 Lubumbashi, Congo (DRC)
> #100mapathons #OSMGeoWeek" was a suitable changeset comment, to explain to
> them what we use changeset comments for and what makes a good one?  If I
> can talk to them, I can probably help them help other new users too, and
> not just with stuff about changeset comments - as an OSM mapper think of
> all the "how to interpret imagery" latent knowledge that you have simply by
> being able to compare a place you visited with the imagery of that place.

We could even add the url of the task as a changeset tag. And yes the
tasking manager won't be online forever but changesets also become less
usefull the older they get.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen
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