On 2020-02-25 15:36, Tomek wrote:

 Since you don't want to put in the effort of putting the text in the
translator, maybe it's best to unsubscribe from this list?

I don't think so.
The common language on this list is English, as the common language on talk-nl is Dutch and on talk-pl is Polish. Why don't I go to talk-pl and complain I'm being oppressed because everyone is not using a language I can understand.
It doesn't work that way.

Esperanto is a better choice because it takes much less time to learn
it than to learn English.

Can you back that statement up?
And it does not work for me at this point. I already know English, so that time has been spent. I have to invest time learning Esperanto. And even more: Esperanto is very much an artificial language for me. I can watch movies in English and use that to hone my knowledge of the language. If there are movies in Esperanto (probably lip-synced which is horrible) I have to go out of my way to get them.

Interlingua is a better choice because it tries to be understood by
users of Romance languages.

That may well be, but the fact it never took on says something, doesn't it?

why do other users of this list disrespect me?

I don't disrepect you, I'm just ignoring posts in a language I can not understand.

People, let's try not to focus on point '2' alone. and again Tomek,
please help us here, do choose a "top 3" language in your
 This is the dictatorship of the majority.

Good, dus ich ken in mien eige taal kalle? Versteis tich mich dan nog altied? En wat als het get lastigere zinne weare?

I'm certain it is not benificial at all if everyone starts using their mother language on this list.


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