W dniu 20-02-23 o 23:38, Alan Mackie pisze:
> This conversation is petty, repetitive and tedious in the extreme, but
> as that seems to be the order of the day:
> OSM was founded in London, ALL the keys are in English which is used
> far more as a means of international exchange than a niche
> euro-centric language invented in the late 19th century. It makes more
> sense for the 'fallback language" to be in English than something with
> no non-bilingual native speakers and a miniscule number of people
> using it as a second language. Lofty aspirations alone do not make
> something common, shared or universal, it actually has to be used too,
> and what you are suggesting is used so little as to be a rounding error.
> If you want the whole map in something more "common" then feel free to
> download the database, translate ALL the tags and relaunch your forked
> version. It won't cost very much in hosting because no one will use
> it. Nearly everyone else seems happy with the status quo and those
> that aren't are willing to look for consensus and follow the usual
> processes, not just repeat themselves endlessly without making any new
> points.
> Mechanical edits no not need to be automated, they just need to be
> mindless or done with little thought. I would link to video on this,
> but alas it is in English and I will not expend the effort finding
> something you will likely refuse on principle.
Rozmowa jest powtarzalna, masz rację, że:
OSM został założony w Londynie - ale nie jest mapą Londynu, tylko całego
wszystkie klucze są w języku angielskim - czy ja coś pisałem o zmianie
kluczy, nie rozmowa była o domyślnej nazwie mórz i kontynentów.

Narzekasz na europocentryczność Esperanta, a sam promujesz jakiś
nielogiczny twór promujący tylko jeden naród - Anglików.

Nie masz jakichkolwiek argumentów przeciw mojej edycji. Nie będzie ona
ani bezmyślna, ani wykonana bez zastanowienia.

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