hi :) i am a university student, currently in final
year final semester. i am doing my final project now.
i face some problems when i start doing my project.
so, i would like to ask some questions. i really hope
that u can help me.

i have started to explore linux since a few months
ago. recently i try to use fetchmail and procmail in
linux. i already prepare the needed files, such as
.procmailrc and .fetchmailrc. but there is still some
problem i face. belows are my questions:

1. first, i prepare all the files need, such as
"~/.procmailrc" , "~/.forward" and "~/.fetchmailrc". i
put "|exec /usr/bin/procmail" in file "~/.forward".
then i try to send an email to myself. but the email
was returned. the error message said  something that
sendmail dont support this command "|exec
/usr/bin/procmail" in file "~/.forward". so, what do u
think is the problem?
is it because the new version of sendmail dont allow

2. do u know fetchmail?
when i log in as root, i type "exec fetchmail", then 
the screen disappear, and nothing seems happen. then
when i log in as user A, i type "exec fetchmail", it
starts checking and download email from pop3 server.
in both home directory i already prepare the same
".fetchmailrc" file. so, is it means fetchmail cannot
be run in root?
3.1 more question. when i type the commands at 
terminal, such as "exec fetchmail", the screen of 
terminal disappear. is it means that the command 
cannot be executed?

that's all for now.
thank you very much for spending your time to read
this email. thanks a lot :)


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