On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 12:54:21AM -0800, chan hweefarn saputra wrote:
> 1. first, i prepare all the files need, such as
> "~/.procmailrc" , "~/.forward" and "~/.fetchmailrc". i
> put "|exec /usr/bin/procmail" in file "~/.forward".
> then i try to send an email to myself. but the email
> was returned. the error message said  something that
> sendmail dont support this command "|exec
> /usr/bin/procmail" in file "~/.forward". so, what do u
> think is the problem?
> is it because the new version of sendmail dont allow
> forwarding?
I'm not using Sendmail and .forward, but this is my favorite link if I face
Procmail and mailbox type problem:

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