On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 09:14:04AM +0700, Alpha Phil wrote:

> "If you use Linux, you DON'T NEED TO USE .FORWARD to 
> filter your mail. Procmail is already configured as the local delivery agent, 
> thus the system will detect and use your .procmailrc without having to  
> manually invoke procmail".

Tidak sepenuhnya benar, default qmail/postfix tidak menggunakan
procmail sebagai LDA. qmail-start harus diberi argument 
"|preline procmail" dan mailbox_command di postfix harus
dimodifikasi agar procmail bisa berjalan tanpa dot-forward :-)

Kalau saya sih masih pakai seperti ini di .qmail :
| /var/qmail/bin/preline procmail


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