wak ada bule masuk milis indonesia, tapi kenapa gak nulis pake bahasa
indonesia aja? kan gak semua orang bisa ngerti, kayak ane, hehehe....

----- Original Message -----
From: "chan hweefarn saputra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 3:54 PM
Subject: [tanya-jawab] Question about linux

> hi :) i am a university student, currently in final
> year final semester. i am doing my final project now.
> i face some problems when i start doing my project.
> so, i would like to ask some questions. i really hope
> that u can help me.
> i have started to explore linux since a few months
> ago. recently i try to use fetchmail and procmail in
> linux. i already prepare the needed files, such as
> .procmailrc and .fetchmailrc. but there is still some
> problem i face. belows are my questions:
> 1. first, i prepare all the files need, such as
> "~/.procmailrc" , "~/.forward" and "~/.fetchmailrc". i
> put "|exec /usr/bin/procmail" in file "~/.forward".
> then i try to send an email to myself. but the email
> was returned. the error message said  something that
> sendmail dont support this command "|exec
> /usr/bin/procmail" in file "~/.forward". so, what do u
> think is the problem?
> is it because the new version of sendmail dont allow
> forwarding?
> 2. do u know fetchmail?
> when i log in as root, i type "exec fetchmail", then
> the screen disappear, and nothing seems happen. then
> when i log in as user A, i type "exec fetchmail", it
> starts checking and download email from pop3 server.
> in both home directory i already prepare the same
> ".fetchmailrc" file. so, is it means fetchmail cannot
> be run in root?
> 3.1 more question. when i type the commands at
> terminal, such as "exec fetchmail", the screen of
> terminal disappear. is it means that the command
> cannot be executed?
> that's all for now.
> thank you very much for spending your time to read
> this email. thanks a lot :)
> regards,
> hweefarn
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