Title: Re: Real names not displayed correctly
Hello Lüko,

On Thu, 7 May 2020 14:24:44 +0200 GMT (07-May-20, 19:24 +0700 GMT),
Lüko Willms wrote:

> One of the biggest email providers in the biggest country of the world
> (by population) is more than just "a single mail server". Sorry.

  Still just one mailserver. But ... could it be that the culprit is not the SMTP-Server but the mail program of your correspondent? Is there a "X-mailer" header in the mail?

X-QQ-MIME: TCMime 1.0 by Tencent
X-Mailer: QQMail 2.x
X-QQ-Mailer: QQMail 2.x

> But maybe you can talk to their postmaster and tell them they have to
> change their settings, I am sure they will listen to your wisdom. In
> the meantime, I cannot use TheBat when doing business with them.

  Why don't you contact them?
  qq.com is actually made by Tencent:

Yes, and Tencent is one of the biggest tech companies in the world. They will certainly listen to me when I tell them that they need to change their RFC-headers.

I just went through a month-long discussion with GMX, the biggest email provider in Europe, about one of their settings. The end was that they finally understood that there is something wrong with their settings, and that they will relay it to their tech department (of course I could only talk to customer service). I am a paying customer there.

GMX are most likely a microscopic company compared to Tencent. I don't have any comparison figures for QQ Mail, but would not be surprised if they could swallow GMX many times over in terms of number of users. And I am not a paying customer at QQ Mail, I am not even a user. I am jsut a recipient of emails from a small number of their millions and millions of users, and the recipients of emails sent by  QQ Mail who have problems with the header they send is microscopic, proabably below detection level. I just don't believe that they will follow my suggestions, even if I they tell them they are just only one mailserver and they have to adapt. They won't, and that is a fact we'll have to work with.

Some powers are more powerful than RFCs.



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