On 10 May 2020 at 12:42 Andrew Savchenko wrote and made these points

AS> Sunday, May 10, 2020, 8:48:31 PM, you wrote:

>> I turned it back on manually to complete this reply.

AS> ...which arrived unsigned.

I  did  turn back on the "Sign when complete" switch and it did prompt
me for my GPG signing passphrase. How strange!

AS> On the more serious note, you might try in-built logging functionality

I've checked logs but see nothing to indicate a struggle.

 10/05/2020, 13:16:40: IMAP  - Connecting to IMAP server mail.silverstones.com 
on port 143
 10/05/2020, 13:16:40: IMAP  - Connected to IMAP server (mail.silverstones.com)
>10/05/2020, 13:16:40: IMAP  - silverstones.com IMAP4rev1 MDaemon 8.0.3 ready
 10/05/2020, 13:16:40: IMAP  - Authenticating (user: "ma...@silverstones.com", 
method: "LOGIN")...
 10/05/2020, 13:16:40: IMAP  - IMAP server authentication OK, server says 
"LOGIN completed"
 10/05/2020, 13:16:46: IMAP  - Connecting to IMAP server mail.silverstones.com 
on port 143
 10/05/2020, 13:16:46: IMAP  - Connected to IMAP server (mail.silverstones.com)
>10/05/2020, 13:16:46: IMAP  - silverstones.com IMAP4rev1 MDaemon 8.0.3 ready
 10/05/2020, 13:16:46: IMAP  - Authenticating (user: "ma...@silverstones.com", 
method: "LOGIN")...
 10/05/2020, 13:16:46: IMAP  - IMAP server authentication OK, server says 
"LOGIN completed"
 10/05/2020, 13:17:28: IMAP  - Disconnected

No exceptions at this point.

AS> as well as the `Procmon.exe` from Sysinternals. Latter will show you
AS> roughly which call takes longer than expected.

This  shows  a lot of activity reading and writing the account_log.txt
file  and  opening TBN files 100s (if not 1000s) of times. The longest
pregnant  pause  is  4.2  seconds  spent creating an ACCOUNT.FLB file.
Other than that, there are a couple of functions that take up to 500ms
to  perform,  while  the  rest  is  time  taken  doing  1000s  of file
read/write operations.

AS> Next logical step would be WinDBG.

Yeah - no. I'm not doing that - too much like hard work!!

Cheers -- Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v9.1.18.3 (BETA) on Windows 10.0.18362 

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