Peter Ouwehand, [PO] wrote:

AM>> At least leave a version 2 that will not drive the IMAP user crazy
AM>> while trying to simply read their mail.

> Allie, I do appreciate the time and effort you and other early adaptors
> spent on V2.yy.zz IMAP.

Sure, but to be truthful, my early use of TB! IMAP was largely for my
own personal pursuits and the reporting etc. were all in an effort to
improve IMAP for me. ;)

> What I understand from older posts on here IMAP was supposed to be
> functional (from that I understand: fully functional) starting with
> V2.


> Therefor I don't understand _any_ (already- or yet to be published)
> RITLabs posts/reasons to upgrade to V3 for such functionality.

There are some advanced IMAP functionality that I could see with not
making it into v2. However, my problem is with currently supported
functionality not working well, even with TB! friendly IMAP servers.
We really shouldn't have to do a paid upgrade for that sort of fixing.

> From what I've read so far, face/skin/features seems to be more
> important than the basic email abilities, either POP or IMAP.

Despite my frustration, this is the one of the sentiments that I've
been unable to agree with.

A lot has been done for IMAP since I started using it. During IMAP
development, other things have been improving, including the user
interface. Not all use IMAP. In a similar way, many do appreciate an
attractive interface and this is becoming a more popular reason to
sway a potential user to one client vs another. I can certainly see
good reason to enhance TB!'s appearance.

> I would be willing to pay for _truly_functional_ IMAP, not for
> gadgets like chat folders.

Yes. Chat seems obscure, but that's all I can really say ...'it
*seems* ....' I'm one user with no use for it. They have a better
handle than me on what features are worthwhile adding.

> Also I'm, like others, missing the roadmap, long time already. Not
> what _can_be_excpected, but what _will_be_implemented_ in the next
> update we have to pay for!

Yes. This would help.

Allie Martin [List Moderator and fellow end-user]
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