Hello Mark Wieder,

17-Dez-2006 18:59, you wrote:

>> Since Batpost is a mail server software, you would not create common
>> folders, but a common user account, and access that user account with
>> multiple clients using the IMAP protocol (so that the messages stay
>> on the server).

> Yep - that would be the problem. TB in client/server mode has features
> of both MTA and MUA, and that combination is exactly what we need. We
> have half a dozen different accounts, all of which need separate
> account inboxes and associated folders. We've also got common folders
> which need to be accessed from multiple accounts.

Well, I don't see a problem. :-) You can use Batpost, or Mercury/32, or
any other mail server software that supports accessing the mailboxes via

>> TB in client/server mode or any other local mail server does not
>> exactly offer the full range of features of an Exchange server, and
>> probably does not aim at the same businesses...

> True, but the features it *does* have are perfect for a small business
> groupware situation, which is how we've used it for years.

Mind you, but MS Exchange does exactly that, too. Not exactly a topic
for TBTech, but you should really re-consider your opinion about the
product. I'm not an advocate of Exchange mainly because the client's
mailer part is so uncomfy, but the server product itself is not bad (and
not very expensive either when you look at the Small Business Server
2003 suite).

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

About 1978, IBM put out a poster touting the virtues of VM. On this
poster was the text: "If it's there and you can see it - it's real. If
it's not there and you can see it - it's virtual. If it's there and
you can't see it - it's transparent. If it's not there and you can't
see it - you erased it!"



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