Hi Marck D. Pearlstone,

On Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 1999 at 20:21:16 you wrote:

OS>> I  don't  care  at all, really. Even if I repeat myself: I want a
OS>> function to auto-format the text I type.

MDP> I  was  only  saying  that that is not what is *there*. Accepted it is
MDP> what you are suggesting.

Thanks ;)

MDP> Be  specific.  "Badly thought out" is not. If you're a programmer then
MDP> you, too, should be able to define a bug clearly.

Badly  thought out is not specific, you're certainly right about that.
But every programmer has to deal with the user (and I am a user of The
Bat!,  not  it's  programmer)  telling  her "I don't like the way this
function  works  for  this  reason  and  that". She needs to go to her
chamber  or  whatever  and think about which parts of the program from
the technical point of view (that's the point you can only really have
if  you  know the source, too) could be faulty in whatever way (notice
the absence of the word "bug" here) to cause the user's criticism.

OS>> Making  a  function  work in the way it should have from the start
OS>> has  nothing  to  do  with enhancing anything. A bug is not only a
OS>> single point you can lay your hand on and say "this is what has to
OS>> be  done  to  fix  it",  but  it's  also  failure  in  concept  or
OS>> implementation. IMO, that's exactly the point about a-f.

MDP> I  disagree.  "Making  a  function  work  better" comes more under the
MDP> "suggestions for improvement" banner. By definition a "bug" is a logic
MDP> error which has a defined method for reproducing it and a quantifiable
MDP> effect on what happens.

It  seems  we  have a different understanding of what is a logic error
with  a...  and  so  on. I've several times described exactly in which
cases  the a-f function doesn't do what it's supposed to do (or what I
think  it should do, as AFAIK there's no public statement about that).
That behaviour is absolutely reproducible (just like your problem with
the  quotes)  and it certainly has a quantifiable effect (for example,
taking our time discussing it ;-)

MDP> The  guys  at RIT have a policy of only acknowledging the first report
MDP> on  a specific bug and only notifying that single person of its' cure.
MDP> It is my belief that they do read them all.

LOL. I certainly hope so!

[description of several bugs cut]

MDP> .. in due course?

Exactly.  I  don't  believe  it's the best way to have a priority list
made  up  of the most interesting programming tasks. Inserting lots of
new icons is surely very important, although nice.

OS>> Pardon me for ranting.

MDP> Pardoned. It's been an interesting debate. :-)

It  is.  Anyway,  why  don't  they  make  The  Bat!  open  source? I'd
immediately take over that a-f function ;)

Oliver Sturm

Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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