Sunday, November 21, 1999, 4:07:05 AM, Ali wrote:
> This is why MS became successful enough to wield monopoly power, i.e., nice
> advertising and making their customers feel good, giving them what they want
> instead of telling them what they need. I know that this is not a good thing
> but I'm just illustrating the importance of human interaction and that you
> can't simply sweep it's importance into third space with words to the effect
> that subscribers had better grow a thick skin to deal with your abrasive
> style or get out of the way.

    Good comparison.  Let me run with it.  Microsoft got to the top because of
its good looks and butt kissing.  Once on the top everyone below them came to
realize they weren't the best for that position.  However, now there they are
very hard to displace with an entity who, while a little less good looking and
a little less skilled at brown-nosing knows what they are doing, does it
right, listens to the public but not to the point of killing what they are
trying to make to appease those who know not of what they ask.

    John Doe got to the top because he wears nice suits and is good at
butt-kissing.  Once he became supervisor all the people below him came to
realize that he wasn't the best man for the position.  However, once he was
there it was very hard to displace the man who could fire you with a man who,
while his suits aren't as pressed and he's a bit less skilled at schmoozing
than the guy presently there at least knows the field he is in and isn't
demanding that you destroy the system you're working on just to save it.

    Given the two choices of bosses, I'd rather take the one who knows what he
is doing and is a little rough around the edges than the one who doesn't know
what he is doing, makes my life and job hell, but, damn, can he state it

    Personally, I think politeness at the expense of accuracy of thought and
communication is a detriment.  It throws up illusions that everything is
hunky-dory when, in fact, it is not.  When the party in the grips of the
illusion realizes that, it is far, FAR worse than just coming out, up front,
and stating the case instead of pussy-footing around.

    Society has gotten a little *too* polite and it is time for it to change.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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