Hi all,

  Steve Lamb wrote:

>     Society has gotten a little *too* polite and it is time for it to change.

It would appear that you missed the whole point of the example.

I used MS as an example to illustrate that human interaction is of
prime importance and that it can't simply be cast aside. People, by
their very nature listen and respond to inuendos, body language,
politeness, personal deportment etc. in a very significant sense. MS
knows this all too well and used it to there advantage. As I said
clearly before I do not subscribe to that sort of abuse and yes, I
call it abuse, on MS part.

Neither do I subscribe to either of your two scenarios. I dislike the
smart yet shabbily dressed, fowl mouthed worker as much as I dislike
the well dressed, polite worker who knows nothing really. There are
doctors who fit both descriptions and I've had to work with both and
believe me, I don't know which one is worse because they cause equal
amounts of harm but only in different ways.

There is an optimal balance that can be attained Steve and I don't
think it's as difficult as you make it out to be. If you are being
lazy about it, don't try to justify it in this way. I don't go to work
dressed as I feel like simply because I *know* that I'm competent at
what I do and that is all that matters. I know how damaging first
impressions can be and you know what?.... very often it's very
difficult to rid people of that first impression and even worse, you
don't get a chance to even try.


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