Hello, fellow Bat-lovers.

On Thursday, December 16, 1999, 10:59:46 PM, Roel wrote:

AM>>> I sort my messages by the received time though I leave that column out
AM>>> of my mail listing.

TF>> I don't understand how you can sort on a parameter you leave out. Do
TF>> you mean you are not sorting them at all, just leave them in the order
TF>> they come in?

> set the column to display, sort on it, set the column to dissappear
> :-)
> the messages will be sorted... (but if you accidently click on a
> column-heading, you have to make the column reappear etc...)
> so if you're as handy as i am, i recommend that you keep the column
> you sort on in the picture :)

In View/Message List Columns, I have "Received" Selected, but it is
last and off the right edge of the message list pane. If I need to
resort by this column, I just scroll over and click on it. Faster than
sorting through the menu....

 Keith Russell

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