Since re-installing The Bat! (v. after having had to  re-install 
Windows 7, when I go to Options|Preferences, the window that comes up is a 
small square window (maybe 15-20 lines long) that won't allow me to enlarge it 
or change it in any way. It, appears to be frozen.

I want to change some of the General preferences, but when I click on that, 
only about half of the page shows, and there's no way to click OK after I 
change a preference (the one on animation, for example).

How can I get the Preferences window to display correctly so that I can see the 
full page?

I'm sending this as plain text, and I have no idea how to make it word wrap.

Thanks for any help.

Mike Greenbaum 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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