Hello Michael,

On Sunday, March 09, 2014 you wrote:

MSG> Since re-installing The Bat!  (v. after having had to
MSG> re-install Windows 7, when I go to Options|Preferences, the
MSG> window that comes up is a small square window (maybe 15-20 lines
MSG> long) that won't allow me to enlarge it or change it in any way.
MSG> It, appears to be frozen.

MSG> I want to change some of the General preferences, but when I
MSG> click on that, only about half of the page shows, and there's no
MSG> way to click OK after I change a preference (the one on
MSG> animation, for example).

MSG> How can I get the Preferences window to display correctly so that
MSG> I can see the full page?

MSG> I'm sending this as plain text, and I have no idea how to make it
MSG> word wrap.

MSG> Thanks for any help.

MSG> Mike Greenbaum

If this had happened to me the first thing I would do is re-install
TB!  If that didn't work I'd write to this list and ask for help just
as you're doing.

Sorry I can't offer more.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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