Hello Tim,

Wednesday, October 16, 2002, 6:11:59 PM, you wrote:

TM> Hey mm,

TM> My MUA believes 'The Bat! (v1.61) Personal' was used
TM> on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 3:04:52 PM.

mM>> Yah. Mine too. Mine's dated 1/29/2002 and it's 56K.

mM>> Just checked Solar Maps once again and it's still calling Mozilla.

TM> k, possibly we are looking at the wrong things here. What happens when
TM> you pick a MailTo: link in your browser (is Mozilla your default?)?

TM> A couple of days ago, I asked on the list why MailTo: links in Mozilla
TM> would not call TB ([EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]), and I
TM> got this resolution ([EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Since the last message, I've gone and deleted Mozilla and Oxygen
(which I didn't know was Mozilla when I downloaded it :(  )

So, the current status is this: mailto: links call The Bat! if it is
online. I haven't tested to see if it will initiate dialup.

The error message in Solar Maps has changed to: "Unable to launch MAPI
client - error code 2. You must have a valid MAPI client installed,
such as Outlook or Eudora, and to have its MAPI options enabled in
order to use this automatic email option. However, the email has been
copied to the clipboard so you can open your email program and then
paste the text. The following .... blah blah has been created for you
to attach....."

Atlantis now ignores that an email request has been made.

I have discovered in the middle of all of this confusion that I have
two bat.exe files:
the_bat.exe 2,43K 7/24/2002
thebat.exe 4,580K 7/09/2002

Could this be the problem?

 mm                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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