Hallo Kim,

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:26:23 -0500GMT (17-2-03, 21:26 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

>> In this template, you can use the macro:
>> %To=''%To='"%OFromName on listname" <listaddress>'%-

K> I tried your last suggestion (with the macro) and it worked like a
K> charm! Thanks so much!!!

I thought it might.
Now that I've mentioned folder templates with a %to-macro, it's my
responsibility to warn you to be careful with them.

In a reply-template they're rather harmless, since you're aware in
what folder you are. In a new message template the %To macro would
come in very handy too, after all you'd never have to look for the
list-address. This is very dangerous. Suppose you're clicking on a
mailto: link on a website while you're still in the list folder in
TB. This means that you'll use the folder template for the mailto:
link. The effect of a message sent to a list, while you thought it
would be private, might be merely embarrassing or disastrous,
depending on the subject you're discussing.

I can imagine you're saying that this would never happen to you, but
I've seen it happening enough. It's not 'if', but 'when'.

I'm not discouraging you from using %To in a reply template (after all
I wouldn't suggest something unsafe), but only for new message

Groetjes, Roelof

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