Hi Dhrakol,

@9-Sep-2003, 11:03 -0400 (16:03 UK time) Vishal [D] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

D>>> Hmmm. While some people who use HTML mail may abuse it, it is
D>>> the spammers etc themselves who are at fault, not HTML, I
D>>> think.

MDP>> That is not correct. The fault lies in the ability to write
MDP>> over-formatted messages.

D> I think it *is* correct.

You believe the statement "HTML spam is the reason that HTML mail is
despised" is correct? Surely not!

D> The ability is not at fault.

I didn't say it was. The ability to *write over-formatted messages*
- thus to *use* the facility /freely/ - is at fault, not the
"ability" itself - the provision of the facility. The selective
quote is leading to a misunderstanding. I should probably have made
myself clearer.

D> If someone chooses to take it over the edge, that's his
D> prerogative, and his fault, not the system's.

That's a paraphrase of what I actually said. Although I don't
consider it his prerogative, since his intent is to impose it on me.
There is a responsibility issue there.

D> HTML provides a capability - either use it or abuse it.

The problem is that more abuse than use, when even just the use is
widely unwelcome. Widely? Well, ISTM the truth of the matter is the
vast majority are *completely indifferent* on this issue - they use
OE - it gives them HTML - they use it and have no idea whether they
like to or not. Of those expressing a preference you will find the
majority of them *against* the indiscriminate use of HTML in email.

D> That said, I'm a fan of plain text email myself. Most tasks can
D> be accomplished easily with it and it definitely seems cleaner.


D> Very rarely do I see the need for HTMl mail.

As I have already said, I have had such occasion myself. But that's
one mail in maybe a couple of hundred.

D> The only reason I'd want to do something like that would be to
D> change the font to, say, Verdana which has great on-screen
D> legibility. Nothing outlandish.

I would never do that. The person receiving my message has a
favourite reading font. They have told their mail program "Display
my incoming mail in this way". Note: "My incoming mail". Not "Your
message". Once he's received it, it's his, to view as he considers
optimal. That's the main point that HTML mail (oxymoron) ignores.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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