Hello Dave,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 09:49:12 -0400 GMT (10/09/2003, 20:49 +0700 GMT),
Dave Kennedy wrote:

> The Internet is becoming to be treated in the same manner as
> automobiles. I.e. "I just want it to work and don't care how it
> works."

That is unfortunately true. See your own message about a certain Ford
model on TBOT.

V>> Many reasons, but I know a lot of people who *like* receiving
V>> messages with fancy stationery.

> Me, too.  That's one of the reasons why I use TB! so that much of
> the HTML nonsense is filtered for me.  That's my choice.  Many,
> if not most, enjoy the background gif of a notebook, the sand on
> a beach, waving palms, on and on ad nauseam.

Send me a message with waving palms on the beach, and I'll blacklist
you... LOL! And then I'll probably suggest you come and visit
Thailand. ;-)



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