Hi Marck

Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 12:13:35 PM, you wrote:

D>>>> Hmmm. While some people who use HTML mail may abuse it, it is
D>>>> the spammers etc themselves who are at fault, not HTML, I
D>>>> think.

MDP>>> That is not correct. The fault lies in the ability to write
MDP>>> over-formatted messages.

D>> I think it *is* correct.

MDP> You believe the statement "HTML spam is the reason that HTML mail is
MDP> despised" is correct? Surely not!

Nope. I believe the statement "While some people who use HTML mail may abuse it,
it is the spammers etc themselves who are at fault, not HTML, I think" is
correct. It is the spammers who are at fault, not HTML, like the original poster
said. Your post seemed to say that the spammers are *not* at fault. Looks like a
miscommunication to me :)

D>> The ability is not at fault.

MDP> I didn't say it was. The ability to *write over-formatted messages*
MDP> - thus to *use* the facility /freely/ - is at fault, not the
MDP> "ability" itself - the provision of the facility. The selective
MDP> quote is leading to a misunderstanding. I should probably have made
MDP> myself clearer.

You're saying that if HTML mail weren't so easy to use, it would be ok? I still
disagree. I don't think the ability to use it freely is at fault. The actual
fault lies with the *person* who abuses this capability. If HTML weren't so easy
to use (and thereby abuse), we'd have web developers up in arms.

D>> If someone chooses to take it over the edge, that's his
D>> prerogative, and his fault, not the system's.

MDP> That's a paraphrase of what I actually said.

It didn't seem like that. miscommunication indeed :)

MDP> Although I don't
MDP> consider it his prerogative, since his intent is to impose it on me.
MDP> There is a responsibility issue there.

I agree.

D>> HTML provides a capability - either use it or abuse it.

MDP> The problem is that more abuse than use, when even just the use is
MDP> widely unwelcome. Widely? Well, ISTM the truth of the matter is the
MDP> vast majority are *completely indifferent* on this issue - they use
MDP> OE - it gives them HTML - they use it and have no idea whether they
MDP> like to or not.


MDP> Of those expressing a preference you will find the
MDP> majority of them *against* the indiscriminate use of HTML in email.

I wouldn't know. I've never talked to people about this.

D>> The only reason I'd want to do something like that would be to
D>> change the font to, say, Verdana which has great on-screen
D>> legibility. Nothing outlandish.

MDP> I would never do that. The person receiving my message has a
MDP> favourite reading font.

Not always. Most people stick with what the default is. A lot wouldn't know that
Verdana might make their life a little easier. I think of it as a harmless and
possibly beneficial suggestion. But I agree that they should be free to use what
they want, which is why I don't use HTML mail.



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