Hello MFPA,

> It only changed the messages directly above the new one all the way up
> the thread. If the thread branched, those not above the new message
> didn't change.

I have never seen such a behaviour. The default behaviour, which has 
always (or AFAIR) been like that, is that an 'unread' (not marked as 
'read') message shows the Unread Flag and the text for whatever columns 
are displayed in the message list is bolded.

Now, about threads. A collapsed thread (or thread branch) containing
'Unread' (not marked as 'read') messages is shown bolded but with no
Unread Flag. When a bolded thread or thread branch is expanded, only
'unread' (not marked as 'read') messages will be bolded and will show
the Unread Flag.

> My default view is that unread messages are listed bold red on a black
> background (my "unread messages" colour group). When read they go
> white and not bold ("messages I have read" colour group). 

I think you are complicating things here with colour groups. How do you 
assign them? With filters? Manually?

> If not read but just marked as read they are red not bold.

This is a key issue I think. Why and how do you 'mark as read' a message
that you have NOT read?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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