On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Adam Williamson <adamw...@fedoraproject.org
> wrote:

> > We'll also probably want "Fedora 26" (Branched at that time) column.
> Eh, I intentionally left it out because we've always held that being
> able to write images from the new release is much less important than
> being able to write images from the existing stable releases. The point
> was to try and keep a lid on the required testing, remember? :)

That's the question though - is it required? I thought the test case would
be marked as optional. We already require FMW in "Default boot and install"
matrix, so Fedora is covered (we just don't know *what* Fedora they used
for that). And are any FMW crashes on Win/macOS blocking? I don't think we
have a criterion for that (the question is whether we should).

So as long as we keep that table optional, I think it's useful to split out
the Fedora version, so that we clearly see what people tried and what they
didn't. Also, for the same reason it would probably help to see Windows 7
and Windows 10 separated.

But if we want to mark it as required, I wouldn't want yet another exploded
matrix, and I agree Fedora 26 could be left out (and Windows merged
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