
I'm not sure why most people ignore it or have decided to not talk about it.

I agree it deserves a LOT more attention, not least on the boards. (I'll 
try to plug NoteSelf <https://noteself.github.io/> when it is relevant. ;-)

As for using it, I can't talk for others but the FAQ reads:

[...]Can I use for production/very important things?
> I would love to answer yes, but for now please don't do it. Noteself is 
> still on Beta stage, and [...]

So, basically, I don't dare to put my important stuff there and the 
non-important stuff... well, I find tiddlyspot really convenient and the 
saving works great. And when I do my experimenting, chances are I'll 
eventually publish it and then it's already there.

Now, it would be very useful if we could choose saver for download #1755 
<https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1755> so people more 
easily could easily try out various solutions considering that many people 
are now working alternatives for saving or hosting, I think it would make 
sense to prioritize this issue. A later step might be to mesh it with the 
export function, e.g so people can save static tids to a blog.


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