Am Samstag, 7. April 2018 14:56:19 UTC+2 schrieb Vytas:
> {{[[A]][[B]][[C]]||trans-edit}}
> it brings the titles A, B and C as values to the "trans-edit" piece of 
> code,

Nope. It brings "[[A]][[B]][[C]]" as one tiddler title (in 
<<currentTiddler>>) to trans-edit.

> which then provides the listing of the edit-buttons together with the 
> content of the A, B and C tiddlers.

The <$list> in trans-edit uses the currentTiddler title as a filter, thus 
interpreting our string "[[A]][[B]][[C]]"  as being the 3 tiddler titles A, 
B and C.

> However, what is happening when the the code of "trans-edit" is being run 
> independently, that is, when there are no tiddler titles provided for the 
> filter operator in the "trans-edit" tiddler? Do I understand it correctly, 
> that, in this case, the value of <<currentTiddler>> is "trans-edit" and 
> that is why the "trans-edit" tiddler tries to include itself into itself 
> and the result is: "Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget", 
> which I see in the view-window of "trans-edit"?

That's correct.


>  Is it alright to see this error or could it be somehow avoided?

If I'm not mistaken ths is okay and can be seen with some standard 
templates in TW5 itself.

> By the way, is it correct, that the fact that "the code of tiddlers is 
> being run continuously", is responsible for the thing, that it will never 
> be possible to edit tiddlers from the EDIT-window of some other tiddler, 
> that is, you have to have a button to run the editting only once (and not 
> continuously)?

No. This is because the edit tiddler simply is not prepared for this. You 
could create your own edit window, maybe, which could doe stuff like this.



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