On Jul 24, 2011, at 12:32 AM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> I would worry a bit about the PLL locking too, but I have no idea how
> to actually measure it.
> I think the 1sec max gate-time is related to the eventcounter width,
> but it might be possible to simulate a wider counter in software.
> The obvious idea for advanced functionality is calculation of
> allan deviations

Interpolator PLL unlock: From the schematic, each VCO control voltage gets 
limit checked by a comparator located on the 200MHz multiplier card. If either 
one goes out of range a latch gets set on the count chain board which shows up 
as a status bit in N0ST. That latch is what drives the red led on the top edge 
of the count board. I currently check it at the top of the 500 sample/packet 
loop. This is often enough since it gets latched even if the VCO drops out only 
once. Whether the comparator is good enough if you're on the edge of failure 
sampling at 100 K/sec is another matter.

Event counter width: It seems to be 16-bits wide with an overflow bit also in 
N0ST. So extending the bit length in software is not impossible. I notice now 
that the N0 counter has an overflow as well. This explains why binary mode 
readout is limited to TIs < 320 ns (typo in manual, it says ps). An HPIB binary 
connection has no way of dealing with software overflow from a 16-bit N0. And 
16-bits @ 200MHz is about +/- 328 ns. In non-binary mode the software must be 
maintaining a 28-bit N0 counter for the max +/- 10 sec TI spec.

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