Hi Ervin

Den 22.11.2019 kl. 09.49 skrev Ervin Hegedüs:

ohh... :)

I found it in my Dropbox :P
A memoryleak;-)
I've been trying to convert it to Py3 , no capitals in socketserver and
remove .decode("utf8") and is seems to run; but it don't send anything to
the radio.
hmm, sounds interesting.

Anyway, I modified the code, it's avaliable here:


(the old link redirects to the rigkeyer2.py)

Note, that I've tested now with both Python version (2 and 3). My
TRX doesn't support the CW keying via Hamlib (TS850 still), but I
could test it with the DUMMY RIG. Now it works as well, there
were an another necessary modification in line 25 (in old code).

I just made a quick test with my KX3 and we are back in business!!!!

you mean aboue like K3? Once I started to review how does it
works, but IMHO it's too difficult. We discussed about this topic with
Zoli HA5CQZ, but now I don't remember the results.
I've been using it with my KX3 and no problems. In the beginning there was a
buffer overflow in hamlib; but it seems to be ok now
sure, then I assume you successfully installed the Hamlib Pythons
module for Python 3.
I tested today $echo "+\send_morse'test'" | nc -w 1 localhost 4532 to a
IC-7610 and it cw happily
please check it again with this new version above!

Anybody can use it with this way:

python2 rigkeyer.py


python3 rigkeyer.py


73, Ervin

Again thanks a lot Ervin, see you in the test

73, Chris

Med venlig hilsen

Christian Treldal
"Remember Darwin; building a better mousetrap merely results in smarter mice."

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