Blainer wrote:
>> Why were Joseph Smith's enemies always such
>> a bunch of low-lifes?

David Miller wrote:
> This statement is completely irresponsible.
> Were there low-lifes that were against Joseph
> Smith?  Sure, but were all of his enemies low-lifes?
> Of course not.  Just one example:  Alexander
> Campbell.  Did Campbell ever try to hurt Joseph
> Smith?  I think you owe us an apology for this
> absurd statement.

Blainer wrote:
> After reading the Alexander Campbell writings,
> I consider him a low-life. .  .

LOL.  You are losing all credibility.  You defined a low life as a murderer,
rapist, liar, etc.  Now you say that Alexander Campbell was one?  Why?
Because he disagreed with Joe Smith?

Have you read anything Campbell wrote other than this critique of the Book
of Mormon?  To call him a low life is like an anti-Mormon calling B.H.
Roberts a low life.  It just does not make any sense.

Do you realize that if it were not for the work of Campbell, there might not
be any Mormonism at all?  The Campbellites made up the first congregation of
Joe Smith.  There were plenty of other Campbellite ministers criticizing and
warning others not to get involved in it, but still, the foundation of
Mormonism was in disciples of Campbell who came over to the Mormon camp.

Blainer wrote:
> I answered your questions extensively.  Sorry that
> you were unhappy with what I said.  You apparently
> expected me to agree with you.  Did you get my post,
> even?

Sorry, Blainer, but I had not read that post until recently.  Still, I don't
see how you can say that Joe Smith was a man who kept his word if you argue
that he would be justified in deceiving people about polygamy.  Abraham
started down that road in deceiving others about his wife, but God corrected
him by revealing his lie to the king, and so Abraham repented and no longer
walked as a deceiver.  Jacob too deceived his father, but suffered for it
and the truth was made known.  I can understand how men might sin, but I do
not understand how men might justify the sins of other men.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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