Referring to ladies as whores will get one kicked out of most churches, and even some bars. Why is Daniel allowed to trample the reputations of others here when he cannot do it in other places? Is there any reasonable answer? This has got to be controlled. If Daniel cannot control himself, it is your job to do it for him. The sooner, the better.
This is not a man passionate for the Lord. This is a most selfish individual who is determined to have the attention and recognition of others. If no one is impressed with his goodness, them he will offer them evil. Anything to get attention. He is not seeking to glorify God, He is not seeking wisdom, he is seeking to be recognized, and he will sell his soul to get the attention that he craves. I have seen the same behavior in children hungry for affection, and in convicts in prison who had been forgotten by their families. The need for attention is a strong driving force, but it does not excuse inexcusable language.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

I was thinking about what the chances are that Daniel will clean up his language and demeaning comments. At this point, it looks fruitless. But, I was thinking back to others who have done so, and it gives me hope for Daniel. For example, Chris, while never using the profanity that Daniel prefers, initially came across in a manner not unlike Daniels arrogance. It turned others off. For the most part Chris has developed a respectful tone in his messages, and, I believe, he has earned the respect of TT members.

Elsman has many good things to say, but initially his profanity turned off TT members. Elsman stopped using profanity, and people started to read his posts again and respond to him. I have enjoyed reading them myself, and they have caused me to think about what he has says.

Daniel is an example of one with the passion of a zealot, combined with an uncontrolled tongue. Perhaps Chris can appeal to Daniel, being someone who Daniel obviously respects, to stop using profanity and to stop demeaning others. I have a feeling if Daniel could control his anger that his posts would become welcomed on TT.

Perry the Moderator

From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Offence Given/Offence Taken???
Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 07:08:34 -0700

Terry, and other TT'rs this will not go on indefinitely. Soon he will eaither clean up his messages, leave the list on his own, or be barred from the list. It is totally his choice, although I feel I know what he will choose.

Perry the moderator.

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Offence Given/Offence Taken???
Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 09:01:55 -0500

Judy Taylor wrote:

As for Daniel and Elsman, no point in being offended by them. Their
mouths betray what is in their hearts and this is what defiles the man
(Mark 7:20),
 Richest in Christ, judyt


But it was more pleasing to drink from this well prior to it being poisoned. I hate to see what is coming into godly homes now via this list.


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