Hi John.  I was not sure that you were the one who wrote that piece in the 
beginning, which is why I spoke about the "author."  It is a very common 
doctrine among scholars and theologians.  I offer a few more comments below.

David Miller wrote:
>> The idea that the Scriptures were being recorded,
>> and this suddenly stopped when John died, is bogus.
>> Men of God wrote and this kind of writing was done
>> before John and after John.  Hundreds of years later,
>> some of these writings were canonized as Scripture.

John wrote:
> You got me, here.   I have no idea what you are
> talking about, unless you late date some of the NT
> scritpures.   Wouldn't surprise me.

I'm talking about how there were many writings that were reverenced and read 
in the churches during the first 300 years after Christ ascended into 
heaven.  For example, there were writings such as Clement's Epistle to the 
Corinthians, and the Shepherd of Hermas, and the Epistle of Barnabas.  The 
early churches did not suddenly have a complete "Bible" when John wrote 
Revelation. The viewpoint that one must be an apostle or directly appointed 
by an apostle to write Scripture is not accurate, neither is the viewpoint 
that the apostles are the only ones who did miracles, and those upon whom 
they directly laid hands.  There is NO Biblical basis for such viewpoints. 
Such viewpoints are basically modern inventions.

David Miller wrote:
>> Most of the apostles left us no Scripture at all, including
>> the chief apostle, Jesus Christ himself.

John wrote:
> true.   And I am not saying that they all did.

The point is that if only a small fraction of all the apostles did write 
Scripture, then the primary work of apostles was not writing Scripture.  The 
reason for making Scripture their task or miracles their task is to relegate 
their office to the past.  It is a modern form of apostolic persecution. 
The line of thinking is that if we show their function no longer necessary, 
then their office is no longer necessary.  Thereby, modern apostles are 
immediately cut off from the body of Christ.  It is done by definition 
rather than sound argument, much like the way Creationists are cut out of 

My perspective is that the primary work of apostles was oral, not written. 
Just like Jesus Christ.  Therefore, there is a need for their ministry to 
continue and there is no Biblical justification for supposing that they died 
out in the first century.

John wrote:
> You have a problem with "under the tutelage
> of the apostles"??  I beleive Mark was supervised
> by Peter.

What happened was that Mark, like Stephen, Barnabas, and Luke, were among 
those who LEFT JESUS in John 6:66.  There is evidence that Peter helped 
bring Mark back and Paul helped bring Luke back.  Yes, Mark was mentored by 
Peter, but your effort to draw attention to this fact is only done to 
salvage your theory that only apostles wrote Scripture.  You even imply that 
perhaps Peter dictated to Mark what to write in his gospel.

Following are the steps you take to make your case:

1.  Narrow the topic from the Bible to only the NT.

2.  Narrow the topic further by showing how most of the NT was written by 

3.  Argue that the part of the NT that was not written by apostles was 
written by those under the tutelage of apostles.

4.  Reject historical data that is contrary to your philosophical 
perspective on the basis of it simply being untrustworthy.

5.  Conclusion:  the apostles were the ones responsible for the NT.

6.  Only apostles and those directly appointed by them did miracles.

7.  Conclusion:  the writing of Scripture and the performing of miracles 
ended when the apostle John died at the end of the first century.

Am I the only one on this list that has problems with this line of 
reasoning?  Do I really have to spell out the problems here?

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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