Here's the use-case we should be considering for this, and I think it's
valid and I'd love to see Twitter allow this:
With the ability to identify matching Twitter users by e-mail, you can now
suggest to your users people in their friends list on your own website that
have Twitter accounts and allow them to follow on Twitter as well as your
own site.  Or vice-versa - if your users are friends on Twitter but not on
your site, you can identify this and suggest they become friends on your own
site.  Facebook allows this by enabling developers to send a hash digest of
the user's e-mail address (or group of users e-mail addresses) on your
system, and Facebook returns a list of users on Facebook that match those
e-mail addresses (with some caveats). No e-mail address is ever revealed and
you can match by e-mail that way.

I think this would be a very useful feature, especially from a marketing
perspective, but from the Ux perspective as well, for Twitter to implement.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 9:07 AM, arawajy <> wrote:

> Dear Developers,
> I have a list of 400,000 e-mail addresses of my clients. I want to
> know "Is it possible to develop a script to check if they have a
> twitter account or not?". I will then want to generate 2 separate
> lists based upon the result; one for the twitter users and one for the
> non-twitter users. I want to only invite the users and create a custom
> invitation message. Is it possible to check if the e-mail address's
> owner is a twitter user or not? provide details please.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Mahmoud

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