Sorry you're having trouble, Dossy.

Can you share the complete path you're using to fetch a request token (with
host, domain, protocol, path, and any query parameters), your signature base
string, and an authorization header if you're using header-based auth?

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Dossy Shiobara <> wrote:

> On 5/20/10 3:16 PM, Taylor Singletary wrote:
> > While we have been having some performance issues that should give you
> > occasional 401s, it shouldn't be as widespread as the experience you've
> > been having.
> OK, you know, until *literally* 60 seconds ago, requests for
> were returning 502 fail
> whales.  NOW, it just loaded.
> OK, who fixed it just now?  What was broken?
> > When we throw a 401, we typically provide an error message within the
> > body of the response -- if you can share that it would be helpful.
> As I said in my email the other day:
> HTTP 401, "Failed to validate oauth signature and token"
> > Has anything about your environment changed?
> Sadly, no.  I wish it were that simple.
> > Have you reset your consumer key or secret?
> No, and I just verified again that it still matches what is showing in
> the Twitter OAuth apps page.
> > Does this happen for all access tokens or is
> > there a specific access token that you use that is failing? Is it
> > possible that access token's access was revoked? The error message
> > provided on 401s will help shine some light on some of this.
> It's happening on the very first, and every single, /oauth/request_token
> API call.
> > One recent change we made is that if you're trying to access resources
> > that don't require authentication, but you are still providing OAuth
> > credentials and those credentials are invalid, we no longer provide the
> > data but instead properly inform you that your credentials aren't valid.
> Again, I'm not even getting as far as making a Twitter API call any
> more.  The whole OAuth process is failing at the request_token endpoint.
> > Which, if any, OAuth library do you use?
> Homegrown.  Has been working for over a year, and has not been modified
> the entire time.
> --
> Dossy Shiobara              | |
> Panoptic Computer Network   |
>  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
>    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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