On that day when your users open up our various clients and see issues with 
direct messages I suggest you insert your own DMs to your users with succinct 
descriptions to the root of the problem and links to further info. 

It looks like there is no way to prevent having to update apps for those that 
can, but you certainly have the platform and your customer's eyeballs at the 
exact point of failure to explain.

We all know not everyone is going to read the email we are all dreading to 
send, at least this way we have another method to get the point to them at the 
exact time they need it.

On Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Frank Ash wrote: 
> I wish they would just tell the developers to go to hell in a way and let us 
> know they hate us instead of doing these back handed attacks on our apps all 
> the time. This has very very little to do with privacy. Especially for the 
> developer that wants to abuse accounts, this doesn't stop them and serves no 
> real purpose. And putting it to the media as we having access to their DM's 
> is misguided at best. Users now think we are reading their DM's and have 
> access to monitoring their conversations. Which is just crap.
> This is all about clients having a large control over the twitterverse and 
> the mismanagement of the situation by Twitter execs. Seeing us instead as 
> competitors for the same resource. To disguise this as a security issue is 
> laughable at best and a bit insulting. You have to realize the benefit 
> Twitter is getting to know why they are doing this. It isn't mandatory to 
> break all the client apps to make this change, but its convenient for 
> Twitters current attack scheme on client apps. 
> This will cause mass exodus from 3rd party apps. If you have an app now, you 
> are about to face a wave of pissed off people and bad reviews. There is no 
> way you can realistically avoid this, and they know that. Thats the real 
> meaning for this not because we all wanted it and have been requesting it. No 
> serious Dev would want this. Maybe we want some more security options like 
> Facebook has but we don't want to ruin our relationship with our customers to 
> get it.
> Twitter should hire some people with sense enough to know how to work with 
> developers. It is no secret that Twitter is at war with the devs, so just 
> tell us yes or no. You want us or you don't. Opening up for developers helped 
> grow Twitter, now they don't need us anymore so they want to weed us out 
> because "we control too much of their market" again, the same market we all 
> created for them.
> All this whole thing does is make people weary of client apps with saying we 
> can access their DM's and then a whirlwind of confusion and complaints from 
> our users will guarantee we loose many many users. Think about the normal 
> person that uses tweetdeck. They will load the all, see nothing, and think 
> its broken. If they figure out they need to confirm their info again and 
> accept new permissions, they will be confused and weary as to why they have 
> to do that. There is NO positive outcome for developers or their customers on 
> this. It's a shame that we keep getting slammed with these sneaky back door 
> slaps in the face disguised as some enhancement for users and more laughable, 
> developers.
> -- 
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