>> I prefer the best solution for each platform. If the use of
>> an array of byte will slow down the Win32 version then keep the use
>> of pointer for Win32 and use the array in the .net version. This is
>> important for components like ICS.
> I second that, I don't want to give up high speed of ICS Win32 just
> to support .NET which I do not use (and will not use unless a customer
> realy wants it). Any additional move of data in memory slows down
> performance.

Using a dynamic array of byte will not slow down the component if the array 
size is not constanly changed. Adressing an element in a fixed array or 
dynamic array roughly takes the same time. It is even a little bit faster 
(Tested with D7) to access the dynamic array !

procedure TestMe;
  DA : array of byte;
  SA : array [0..2047] of byte;
  B1 : Byte;
  B2 : Byte;
  I  : Integer;
  J  : Integer;
  t1, t2, t3 : Cardinal;
  SetLength(DA, 2048);
  I  := 5;
  t1 := GetTickCount;
  for J := 0 to 100000000 do
      B1 := DA[I];
  t2 := GetTickCount;
  for J := 0 to 100000000 do
      B2 := SA[I];
  t3 := GetTickCount;
  writeln('Dynamic: ', t3 - t2, '  Static: ', t2 - t1);

You can play with optimization and range checking to see the impact of those 

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