Dear Anton,

Thank you for your message,
Unfortunately my programmation level is not engouh good to understand your explanation and
therefore I am unable to make any modifications you to tell me,
I do not even know what file I need to change :'(

Could you guide me to do the modification please ? and where ?
it would be really nice from you.

If not, no problem I understand you have no time to loose with my problem,

Anyhow thank you for your message,

Bruno M.

Le 27/01/2011 08:45, Anton S. a écrit :
Arno, in FtpCli unit there's quite large piece of code

{$IFDEF UseBandwidthControl}
         FBandwidthCount := 0; // Reset byte counter
         if ftpBandwidthControl in FOptions then begin
             if not Assigned(FBandwidthTimer) then
                 FBandwidthTimer := TIcsTimer.Create(Self);
             FBandwidthTimer.Enabled  := FALSE;
             FBandwidthTimer.Interval := FBandwidthSampling;
             FBandwidthTimer.OnTimer  := BandwidthTimerTimer;
             FBandwidthTimer.Enabled  := TRUE;
             // Number of bytes we allow during a sampling period
             FBandwidthMaxCount := Int64(FBandwidthLimit) * FBandwidthSampling 
div 1000;
             FBandwidthPaused   := FALSE;

repeating 4 times in

Shouldn't it be extracted into separate procedure?

Bruno, using BUILTIN_THROTTLE it's quite easy to add bandwidth control, just 
add Socket.BandwidthLimit and Socket.BandwidthSampling assignment after socket 
creation and that's all.

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