I  may  also  have a question, you say marked as SPAM because you send
mails  too  fast,  this  is  an  unsusual  behavior,  because a server
"flooded"  will reject yor e-mail or block your e-mail with some 4.2.x
"slow down" temporary error.

Are you sure you are not impacted by a SPF check ?

>> I'm having issues with emails being marked as spam because the 
>> daily report batch run produces multiple emails which all get 
>> sent at the end of the run.

ARMSL> How and by what are these emails being rejected?  The recipients?  Your
ARMSL> ISP's mail server?   What quantities, to how many addresses?  Are you
ARMSL> sending them with the ICS SMTP client?  

>> I have the feeling that it should be possible to make a mail 
>> queuing program with ICS, it would need to be able to:
>> 1) Receive in emails - multiple concurrently.
>> 2) Add emails received to 1 of many out queues based on to 
>> address (which send out based on time delay).
>> 3) Report on queue lengths via an http page.
>> I'm fiddling with the OverbyteSmtpServer demo

ARMSL> That is designed to receive SMTP emails only, not send them.

ARMSL> I announced a new version of Magenta Systems Mail Queue Component
ARMSL> component here three months ago, It has two main benefits over a simple
ARMSL> ICS TSslSmtpCli component: it supports extended retries over many hours
ARMSL> or days, and supports multiple SMTP relay servers or looks-up MX
ARMSL> servers, while alleviating the need for the application to handle
ARMSL> retries.  Mail is queued to disk, so retries will continue if the
ARMSL> application is restarted.  The new 2.0 version looks up DNS MX records
ARMSL> and sends to those SMTP servers, it also checks SSL certificates and
ARMSL> the demo now includes a view queue window to see what is queued but not
ARMSL> yet sent. 

ARMSL> http://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/magics.asp

ARMSL> It only accepts one email at a time, but sends emails from a thread so
ARMSL> can do so while sending.  It currently tries to send emails in queued
ARMSL> order, and retries them after various delays, but it could be changed
ARMSL> so the first attempt is at a specific time.  

ARMSL> It was originally designed to send all emails to multiple proper
ARMSL> delivery SMTP servers, I have my own public SMTP server and if it can
ARMSL> not access that it tried Gmail instead.  It will send directly to MX
ARMSL> record servers, but during my testing I discovered very quickly that
ARMSL> most will reject email immediately unless reverse DNS is set-up for the
ARMSL> originating IP address that matches the HELO header.  Currently, it
ARMSL> also does handle multiple addresses to different MX servers in the same
ARMSL> email.   

ARMSL> Angus




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