
>> The hooks are more or less in place ... [Triggers]

Ah! Triggers!

Triggers as implemented in UniVerse are limited.

There is no read trigger - for historical reasons, none that
apply today
- the fact remains - you cannot base what a user sees or
doesn't see on
a trigger, as the trigger will only be actived on insert,
update, or
delete, and forcing an update just to activate a trigger
seems a little
pointless, wouldn't you say?

Triggers cannot be applied to Type 1 / 19 files. Not that
much of a
limitation if it's data that you're seeking to contain.
Bu*mm*er if it's
source access you're worried about - and after all, if I can
get to the
source, I can work out how to get to anything else.

Having a file type (1/19) that works just like a directory
is just
asking for trouble. Anyone with notepad can get in, look at,
destroy, and the IT department wouldn't even know.

Data security? Ha! All I need to beat UniVerse security [on
is access to the server. Access to the server will give me
the ability
to create a dummy account and thence gain fiddle-ability to

To create a dummy account all I need do is write an entry
UV.ACCOUNTS. How do I do this?
(1) I use Explorer to get a copy of the UV.ACCOUNTS file
from the server
(via the OS), I write it into my copy of UniVerse PE as the
UV.ACCOUNTS file, add the necessary record, eg GOTCHA, use
same faithful
explorer / midnight commander to write said file back onto

(2) Use UniVerse PE to create a  universe account with TCL
rights, use Explorer to copy onto server, as GOTCHA, in
correct place as
defined in UV.ACCOUNTS entry added in step (1).

(3) Login to new GOTCHA account, set qfile pointers, avoid
highly security system entry controls coz I don't need to,
and besides
that would force an update, and hence a trigger.

(4) No read trigger, therefore no knowledge that I've
accessed your
data. I've copied it all to my system, I've copied your
source to my
system, I've copied your dictionaries to my system. Even on
sites, the lack of source code doesn't prevent me from
knowing all there
is to know about your company.
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