Personally I respond more immediately when something comes at me.
Would it not be possible to set up a mailing list for any changes to Incubator 
code?  So all users on that list get emailed when a change is made?
I think this would propel both use of the code, and <s>misuse</s> enhancement.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Leach <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 17, 2011 2:55 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Code Collaboration

Thats why the board launched the Incubator project early this year. The intent 
s for this to become a repository of useful working examples of using the 
echnology. But I don't have the time to write those all myself and we have been 
rying to pursuade the community to get involved.
ent from my ASUS Eee Pad
Mecki Foerthmann <> wrote:
>I think a major problem is the lack of training/documentation.
Great that there are all these new possibilities, but if you have to 
figure everything out yourself it becomes very difficult to keep up with 
the technology.
A lot of VARs (especially ours) are no help if you get the feeling they 
know even less then you do.
It is very frustrating if the business asks, 'can we do that?' and you 
can only answer, 'yes, I know it's possible but I don't know how to make 
it work.'
And how am I to show the young guys all the flash things I have seen in 
demos or heard about here if I can't get them to work myself?

On 17/11/2011 20:55, David Jordan wrote:
> The U2UG board has been discussing with Rocket how to encourage excitement 
hat U2 is not legacy but is a technology leader.  I was at a presentation of a 
2 VAR and they demonstrated product that would be indistinguishable from any 
ther player in open systems, Service architecture, interoperability, web 
ntefaces, etc.  How do we get this across to the market.
> With collaboration, we need to first excite.   How do we excite people in U2 
echnology.   Is it looking at a major enhancement of the BASIC programming 
anguage or a new one within U2.  What other things do we look at.
> Currently young programmers are excited by web technology's, mobile apps, the 
exy stuff.  They are not interested in the backend, whether Oracle RDBMS, SQL 
erver or U2.  This is a problem across the industry.
> The board of the user group are interested in areas to look at and how to 
reate infrastructure to make this happen.   If we can reignite excitement in 
he product and create a place for collaboration where that excitement can be 
ut to good use then I believe we can achieve success.  However our success 
epends on a group of people not a few individuals.   If this is to occur, it is 
ime for people to become involved in shaping a future.
> Regards
> David Jordan
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