Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Houben <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able to 
rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that requires 
indow mode.
-----Original Message-----
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h.... wow.
So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
erver (or thereabouts).
So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
etting errors that files were still in use and so on.

----Original Message-----
rom: Ed Clark <>
o: U2 Users List <>
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
1 V
2 cmd.exe
3 U
7 /Q
he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as an 
 command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
hapter on this in the system description manual).
n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
ecutable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Houben <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
cmd /?
help cmd
(Both produce the same output)
-----Original Message-----
 n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 h... My... God
try DOS /C DIR
hen try DOS /K DIR
how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?
 -----Original Message-----
rom: Bob Rasmussen <>
o: U2 Users List <>
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
/c"?) to it.
f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type  cmd /?
u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
/C      Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
urther down the help display, it gives more information.
n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a t 
le like  DOS \c test.bat  What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z 
r \x  that it can take?
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