I can understand your concern and also the reasoning of your boss.
Since you are dealing with Epicor cancelling the maintenance for ManFact will most likely mean that they will cancel your U2 support too.

The company I work for went through the same drama.
'You cancel the support contract for Avante and you can't have support for UniData anymore', is what Epicor said. Since Avante had been heavily modified (mainly by Epicor themselves) every call was charged unless we could prove that it was a genuine bug. By the time I found the bug and could prove that this was in the original code too I could as easily just fix it myself. What good is paying for support only to get charged nearly every time you have a problem?
So management decided to cancel the contract.

But they went to another VAR to have at least Unidata and SB+ under support and a resource of experienced programmers that can help out if the IT department can't solve a problem with Avante. Management is happy because they save a substantial amount of money and I don't care because I didn't get any help from Epicor anyway and the guys working for our new VAR are much better. So if you ask me - go for it - find another Rocket VAR so your database is still supported and give Epicor the boot.

On 29/06/2012 16:46, John Varney wrote:
I have a potential issue coming up. Our CFO seems to want to be more penny
pinching than normal and is trying to get us to discontinue our support from
our main vendor (We currently use ManFact from EpiCor). This seems like a
REALLY bad idea, but it keeps coming up. Can I get some outside opinions on
why we should keep the support going? I'd like as many as possible because
I'd like to put an end to this once and for all. All comments would be

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